Welcome Spring

One of my favorite signs of spring is our backyard Red Bud tree blossoming.  The blooms are vibrant and bright and though don’t last long, remind me to slow down and enjoy all the signs of spring nature.

April 22nd is Earth Day, a day to recognize and celebrate our amazing planet.  It is a reminder of the importance for us all to do our part to protect it, by living as sustainably as possible.

Along with spring blooms many of us are also spring cleaning and donating and recycling clothes, household goods, and other items to charities.    This is good not only for us, but also our planet as instead of the items going to a landfill, the chance is high that the donations may find a new home and raise money for the charity.  If part of your spring cleaning includes cleaning out files below are a few local, free, or low fee document shredding events coming up soon.

Remember as you grab your reusable water bottle, small behavior changes can have a big impact.

Shred and Recycling Events:

  • Commonwealth One – Saturday, April 20th – 9:00 – noon – 4875 Eisenhower Ave
    Alexandria, VA 22304
      This event is open to the public and you do not need to have a bank account with Commonwealth One.  Attendees are allowed up to five boxes (15″ x 12″ x 10″) of paper. Electronics, batteries, flammable materials, binder clips, three-ring binders, plastic covers, or other non-paper items are not permitted.
  • Fairfax County Shredding and Recycling Eventscheck the Fairfax County Government site for free or low-cost events to safely shred sensitive documents and recycle items that can’t go in your trash.

A wonderful resource to keep in mind to find out how to recycle just about anything is earth911.